Monday, September 20, 2010

My Spirit Animal.

As the beat of the shamanic drums during the Guided Imagery flood my ears, the soul searching for spiritual direction begins. Immediately, the thought of an evasive yet enticing animal comes to mind. More than just an assignment, the search for a totem animal is quite a powerful exploration as it carries the “capacity to awaken within the deep authenticity that they possess within themselves” (Farmer). Through several meditative trials and epiphanic contemplation, I find console in The Fox. Diverse, observant, and adaptive- I am a fox, and the fox is me.

During our induced state of mediation, I fulfilled a new role of appreciation towards nature and the environment.  This form of existential coexistence is seen at which “humanity recognized itself as part of nature, and nature as part of itself” (Andrews 49). Prior to this assignment, the idea of a spirit totem sounded quite perplexing. We are often quick to assume that guidance and companionship is a sign of weakness. But now, the search for a spiritual cohort has become an empowering experience.  What has intrigued me the most is the intrinsic connection one forms with nature, specifically through the spirit animal. To live in such Biocentrism has become a new personal aspiration of mine. In our ever-progressive society, the spiritual value of this earth has become forgotten. However through our spirit animals, one can reconnect with the rhythm, beat and fervor of the earth.  A Native American proverb says, Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. These words wisely refute any belief that humans are the superior species. Although the primary intent of finding a totem animal was not to engage in environmental politics and axiology, it still calls to critique our actions as citizens to this earth.  Humans consume, pollute, and occupy the greatest portions of today’s earth. We search for answers concerning our human liberties, human rights, human duties and human liberties.  Rarely do we disengage in the utilitarian implications of our obligations and simply become a part of the Natural World. This can be directly accomplished through the discovery and accompaniment of a spirit animal.
Totemism, is the supposed entity which guides an individual, family, group or clan. In some Native American cultures, it is said an individual embarks on what is known as the Earth Walk. During such endeavor, we are faced with seven directions surrounding the physical body.  The role of the totem animal is to guide one through each direction and teach the lesson of one’s individual path. Creating a new path for myself, whether it be the journey to higher education or the larger voyage of life, I know believe there is an inner spirit offering counsel, and guidance. These lessons seem to be inclusive to finding strength, talent, vision and purpose in life.
According to shamanic philosophy, the presence of a tutelary spirit invokes power to resist the evil forces of the world. In order to experience such powerful guidance, shamans believe one must embark on a personal journey to retrieve their unique spirit animal. Although I have yet to have physical encounter with the fox, our journey was through the spiritual sense. However as fluid and simple as this process may sound, the search for my spiritual guide was no easy quest. It took several trials of mediation and time for reflection to fully discover who I was before finding who would guide me. In fact, I considered a vast array of animals before truly finding comfort in the fox.  In time, I found the fox to be most compatible with my life journey and guide for my purposeful voyage. Finally, I learned one should just our innate senses in order to find a guide and reveal my inner thoughts. 
It’s seems as though the spiritual presence of the fox is awakening in many cultures of the world. In fact, there are twenty-one species of fox found in many parts of the world in all types of climate and habitat lifestyles. From the seashores to the mountain range, the fox is omnipresent in most cultures. The totem represents a symbol of ingenuity and “shape shifting”.  One of the most personified creatures in the world, the fox was believed to sometimes take human form. In an ancient Chinese tale, a fox takes transformation into a human who then faces the decision on it’s one-hundredth birthday to become either a wizard or beautiful maiden who acquires the ability to destroy any man who falls in love with her. The tale is a beautiful example in which cultures around the world deem the fox to carry an aurora of cleverness. Through the development of empirical literature, the fox has manifested into a creature of special powers and magical energy.  A creature of the night, the fox is believed to hold powers of the supernatural. Furthermore, the fox totem serves as a guide in the faerie realms. This is most likely derived from her tricky and enigmatic nature. Other cultures, including in Persia hold the fox to be a sacred representation as a token to ascend towards heaven. Often, the fox is believed to reward those at the gates of heaven who have done great service to higher spirits.  As culturally significant as the fox may be, I chose her for the unique attraction towards charm and mystique.
            From my understanding, the fox exudes a level of witticism and quick intellect distinct to any other creature. In the Celtic tradition, the fox is symbolized as the guide to the heavens and is honored for its wisdom. The fox understands the woods in an intimate sense and is fully aware of her surroundings. Similarly in metaphorical terms, the fox is believed to be the guide in the spiritual world-- all knowing and fully aware. Quite evident, the fox plays a heavy role in the culture of societies of the world. But I found the most console in her personal characteristics as an animal.
On a personal level, it is pretty understood that I do not necessarily possess all of the characteristics of my counterpart. She is observant, transformative, and quite gentle. But it is our differences that gravitated me towards the fox. She is now a figure that I hope to emulate introspectively. The fox survives primarily because of her adaptability and cleverness. Rather than resisting the change, she is flexible however, she does not conform the imposed authority or restrictions of her world. In fact, the fox breaks down her social prejudices.  She is also the epitome of feminine power.
Catching a glimpse of a fox in the wild is quite the rare treat, primarily because of her ability to effectively blend into her habitat. In fact, the fox is a keen observer, always watchful of others nearby. The fox offers a basic lesson in the sense she steers clear of unnecessary complication and controversy in her environment.  The most meaningful lesson from the fox is probably her astute and keen ability to adapt to all situations and her surroundings. Admittedly a weakness of mine, flexibility in terms of social situations in life can sometimes found to be a difficulty of mine. The most important assistance a totem animal can offer is the great ability to overcome adversaries in one’s life. This is clearly an inherent instance where my spiritual animal has been able to provide such guidance.  Literature also points to the fox as a master in the ability to camouflage in most situations of the wild.  The art of elusiveness is another feature I found most appealing in the fox. The fox has also taught me to take note of our auras in order to live harmoniously. Sometimes we learn the most from situations when simply observing the habits and motives of others. Although quite the cliché, patience is truly a virtue; this is an inherent quality of the fox that I hope to emulate.  A hunting technique of the fox is to charm their prey and attack in a brisk manner. But before attacking, she becomes fully aware of her strengths and weaknesses when hunting various prey. Patient and perceptive, she only attacks when fully confident in herself. Foxes usually adopt what most would call the unorthodox methods of hunting. A fox will sometimes engage in antics and play to entice her prey.  Her methods of trickery and cunning wit are traits I find most fascinating in my spirit animal.
In preparation of the journey ahead, while still acknowledging my current path of self-discovery, I will always keep the presence of my spiritual “patronus” in mind. Through this pilgrimage of the self I hope to always hold the unique spiritual bond between the natural world and myself. Rather than engaging in the environmental hedonism we have become accustomed to, the appreciation of a spirit animal and the aesthetics of the natural world has become a new doctrine of mine.

word count: 1506
without quotes: 1478

 Works Cited: 
Andrews, Ted Animal Speak: The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great &Small (2009): 10, 49). 
Farmer D. Steven Animal Spirit guides: discover your power animal to connect with yout animal spirit guide (2009): 10, 32). 

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