Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sympathetic Imagination: P3

A refugee for animals in Austin, the AustinPetsAlive facilities offer a temporary shelter for abandoned cats and dogs. As you enter the cattery, the façade of the building appears joyous and cheerful. Bright green walls and pictures of owners and their cats offer a safe haven to neglected animals. Almost enough to make you forget the stories of these abandoned animals. And although each animal may have a different story, they all have faced the rejection no species, animal or human, should have to endure. When you look into the eyes of these animals, it’s as if they are communicating their past suffering to you. But despite these troubling experiences, these animals are hopeful for a new family. A unique encounter with a shelter cat, Hippie showed just how valuable each and every life is.  Although his story is not fully known, we can assume that it might have went something like this.

Hi, y’all! My name is Hippie and I am a six-year old black cat native to Austin, Texas. For a portion of my life, I wandered the streets until I finally was taken to the APA shelter. I was born to a family in November. My mother was raised by Austin residents Kate, Jon, and their three young children. Because my mother was never spayed, she surprised the family with a litter of kittens. When my owners first brought my mother home from the pet store, they made the decision not to spay her.  From what I know, my father was a stray cat who was also not neutered. Unfortunately, “several pet owners feel, particular men for some reason, that neutering a pet emasculates the owner somehow or they may just want their children to someday experience the “miracle of life”, so to speak”(EARTHLINGS).  At first, my family took care of all of us. The children were excited to raise adorable kittens on their own! The first few months were a joyous time for me and my brothers and sisters. But over time, I began to notice this joyful facade was only masking a darker truth. Sometimes the father of the house would grow angry and often violent. During these outbursts, I tried my best to hide in the kitchen cabinet or underneath the couch. When I first met this family, everyone seemed so loving. But the harsh reality was that the father’s violent impulses slowly destroyed the family. When the male owner was especially angry, he would hit his wife or yell loudly at her. I hear glass shattering and shrieks from the distant room. On these nights, he would lock us in our crates for hours without food or water. I could hear the children crying in their room. Just as the male owner tries to control and coerce
The children saw us starved and behind cages. I could see in their eyes that both the abuse of their companion animals and the violence of their father were psychologically destroying them. (ASCIONE,WEBER AND WOOD). This continued on for months until one day, an unfamiliar woman came to the house. I couldn’t understand much but she did say that she was a social worker. As I watched, she took the children away in a car. We waited for a while until another man came into the house. This time, he took me and the other cats and drove off. As we peaked through the cage and looked out the rear window, we could see we were driving further and further away from our house. Finally, we couldn’t see our neighborhood anymore and we went off on the unfamiliar road.
Some humans think that they are the superior race. They may think that they are masters of development, technologic breakthroughs and so on. But there is one thing we animals have that most people will never understand, unconditional love towards all beings.  Many people think that pets are disposable items like toys, which they can rid of at their convenience- but we have feelings too. In fact, cats “experience separation anxiety when apart from a favorite person”. Never had I felt so alone. I didn’t get to say good-bye to my mother or my other brothers and sisters. My owners felt that spaying my mother was inhumane, but they failed to recognize the inhumanity of abandoning innocent animals. Making the conscious decision not to neuter a pet has its consequences. Unfortunately, my former family did not fulfill their responsibility as pet owners.
After some time, an older woman who drove by stopped and carried us back to our car. We were both frightened as we rode in the stranger’s car. But she seemed quite friendly. At least this stranger, unlike our owners, took us in her care. Several minutes had passed until we could see city buildings out the window. The car finally made a stop at a spot. From the parking lot, I could hear other animals from the buildings. “You are going to stay here for awhile”, the woman said to me. As we entered the building, I peeked my head out of the box. The room was bright green with flowers painted on the walls. I could see joyous faces and several other cats in the shelter.  For the first time in a while, I remembered what a smile looked like. There were other cats and kittens there too, all which had a different story to tell. I know the shelter is a loving place, but it is not a home. A home is a place where I always have someone there who loves me. A home is a place where I never have to be afraid. Finally, a home offers undying love.

They say that cats have nine lives, but we only have one heart. I know that my past will always be a part of me, but it’s not who I am. Many people think that shelter animals are more burdensome than new pets, but we all are the same.  We all deserve to love and to be loved by the right human companion or family!

Bio Description: 
Peaceful - Adaptable - Lap Cat

There couldn't be a more purr-fect name from this adorable adult cat. Hippie is a very peaceful and loving cat. He has soft velvet-black furwith a small patch of white on his chest. He also has beautiful big green eyes that will take your breath away. Hippie is very approachable cat, even to most strangers. He will sit on anyone's lap and purr softly. He is very friendly to anyone, including kids. He enjoys being scratched on his belly and behind the ears. He loves exploring new places and meeting new faces. Hippie is very adjustable and friendly with other animals. He loves lounging around or playing with his toys-he rarely causes any trouble. Hippie is an excellent addition to any welcoming family. As long as you show love and affection to Hippie, the feelings will surely be returned! He is more than ready to find a new home! Come visit Hippie and see just how sweet he really is! 
09, 2010

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